Sunday 30 December 2012

How to spot a liar - Learn to be genuine during interviews and consultations

When doing Medical Consultations - it might be important to watch out for these!

Saturday 29 December 2012

Body Language - the social science, and Job Interview Techniques

Evidence based body language, and its use in medicine, interviews, etc.

The interesting thing is what she says about leaders who have high testosterone (which we knew already), but low cortisol - they don't get stressed so much about change, etc. Is all we have to do, practice power poses? Maybe...

Monday 24 December 2012

Monday 17 December 2012

A cure for bad memories , phobias, anxieties ?

All I can say is try this for yourselves.

It is interesting.

Again, notice how he first develops a rapport by laughter and this brings down his defences, allowing a low level hypnosis which seems to still be effective.

Wednesday 12 December 2012


Motivation - a very difficult subject. How do we get people to exercise or eat healthier? It might give you some ideas. He is a multi-millionaire on talking about this.

This talk is just amazing in how he turns the crowd around by establishing rapport with them.

Tuesday 11 December 2012

Improving Job Satisfaction, Leadership

His whole book is based on the 3 things he has mentioned - autonomy, mastery, purpose

This is part of a series of videos with topics which are related to Medical Education.

Monday 10 December 2012

Leadership and Marketing - as doctors are we selling health?

Think about what he is saying in the context of medicine.

If you go to the MPS / MDU talks on communication. They say the same thing about patients and produce the same graft. Some patients get you, some will never get you, and there are all those in between. What could you do to tip the balance?

Friday 7 December 2012

Why does Metaphor matter?

It's the last part of this talk that relates to the title.

So, for example, when trying to give advice, do you ever wonder about telling them stories of other people who have tried things before working? Is this why great thinkers like Socrates taught with metaphor?

The rest is interesting too.

Mirror therapy was described by Dr Milton Erickson (father of Medical Hypnosis) in stroke patients in the 1960s / 70s.

Thursday 6 December 2012

Dietary Advice

I am often asked what I recommend to patients and what the evidence is for my recommendations.

This should answer those questions.

Wednesday 5 December 2012

Diet and lifestyle - you can change your fate

Just a short presentation to emphasise that you can change your fate!

Recommended Diet

This is the diet that I recommend. Complex carbohydrates. Nothing wrong with protein. Avoid bad / most fat.

Live Better...

Medical learning site - Khan Academy

This is Dr Perkins' recommendation - great for learning medicine

There is so much free stuff that is great out there.

The Khan academy also has lessons on many things that include non-medical things.

Tuesday 4 December 2012

Empathy - important in communication, interviews, etc

Communication & Rapport - Think about what he is doing to achieve this

What if every patient could be hypnotised in some way. And all that mattered was for them to trust you, as you develop rapport and speak in a calming voice. Notice how he only talks in exhalation and leaves a gap before he starts again.

Mind you, she is extremely susceptible to hypnosis.

Hypnosis and rapid induction from Youtube by Bandler