Tuesday 24 May 2016

Punch Biopsy Excision of Skin Cyst - Squeeze and excise

This is one I did myself. Small hole. Next time we do it through a smaller orifice.

Thursday 19 May 2016

Principles of Medical Interactions according to Neurolinguistic Programming

  • Everyone makes the best choice available to them at the time - accept, understand, and forgive
  • There is no failure, only feedback - accept mistakes as a learning opportunity
  • Behind every behaviour is a positive intention - be curious, find it, learn from it
  • The map is not the territory - what you feel is only one way of looking at things, there are other ways that might prove more useful
  • The meaning of communication is its effect - take responsibility for what and how you communicate
  • We already have all the resources we need - tap into all your resources and divert them to where they are needed
  • The person with the most flexibility has the most influence - the more choices of how to respond we have, the better. If one fails choose another 
  • Mind and body are one - what affects one affects the other
  • There is a solution to every problem - be curious and find it, be patient and keep trying different approaches
  • What is true of someone else is true for us too - what we notice in others we have too - thats how we recognise it. 
  • If you always do what you’ve always done, you will always get what you’ve always got - it’s you who has to change if you want a different result